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What to Avoid and What to Eat During Periods – Your Period Diet Plan
26 Mar, 2024

What to Avoid and What to Eat During Periods – Your Period Diet Plan

With the monthly occurrence of periods, it invites lots of other things like period cramps, PMS, backache, mood swings, and food cravings. You feel like eating things without any guilt, however, that may work against your menstruation too. Hence, it is necessary to eat right and know what not to eat during periods too. This article will help my strong ladies to discover what to eat during periods, and what to avoid. 

Nutrients to Focus on During Period

Before diving into the deep sea of what to do and what not to do, let’s quickly check what nutrients are necessary during your menstruation.


Iron helps in reducing the risk of anemia and iron deficiency during menstruation. Taking iron supplements helps keep the hemoglobin level intact. You should consider iron-rich food in your diet plan as consuming it only when your menses are around may not help you as required.

Vitamin B12

According to a study, Vitamins B12 and B-complex can contribute to improving your estrogen levels, stimulating the growth of the uterine lining (endometrium). This thickening can lead to heavy menstrual bleeding (hypermenorrhea) and irregular periods. By promoting endometrial growth, these vitamins help regulate menstrual cycles and reduce excessive bleeding in women with hypermenorrhea.


Magnesium helps to reduce the dizziness that you feel during your periods, it helps to reduce anxiety and stress which can positively impact your menstrual cycle. 

Period Time Food That Comforts You

When you’re on your period, certain foods can provide comfort and help ease symptoms. These “period foods” contain nutrients that support your hormones, reduce cramps, and improve your mood. Here is a list of foods that you must and should include in your period diet plan:

Green, Green, and Greennnn

Leafy greens are rich in magnesium and as discussed above they can reduce period cramps. They can help to relax muscle pain and help reduce tension and ease your pain and discomfort. Simply include spinach, kale, swiss chard, etc in your diet. Remember, it must not be eaten raw, steam it or boil it for 2 minutes and you can make a salad, soup or simply it as is with some salt and pepper toppings.


Salmon are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which possess anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming omega-3s during menstruation can help reduce inflammation, easing period-related bloating and discomfort.


If you want to regulate fluid balance in your body, consuming bananas can help as they are a good source of potassium. They can help with bloating issues during periods. It also contains vitamin B6 which helps to deal with mood swings and fatigue caused due to PMS. Eat it raw, do not blend bananas as they can create a cough when blended.

Your FAVORITE, dark chocolate!

Eating dark chocolate during your period may help make you feel better emotionally as it has substances called flavonoids that can boost your mood and reduce stress levels. It can also help reduce cravings and mood swings that are common during menstruation, making it a soothing indulgence while you’re feeling down.


Ginger has so many medicinal properties. It has been used for curing so many problems for ages. One of the issues that it helps is, it can be used as a natural remedy to fight with period cramps. It is anti-inflammatory and has pain-relieving properties. Consume ginger tea or ginger juice with tulsi, mint, pepper powder, black salt, and Wollah!

Whole Grains

Whole grains like oats, quinoa, and brown rice are rich in fiber, which can help regulate digestion and prevent constipation, a common issue during menstruation. Additionally, whole grains provide sustained energy, helping to combat fatigue and mood swings.

Including Herbal Teas in your Diet

Sipping herbal teas during your period can ease discomfort due to the unique blend of plant compounds they contain. Compounds like flavonoids, terpenoids, and phenolic acids, have special abilities to fight with inflammation, soothe muscle tension, and promote relaxation. These actions help reduce period pain, ease stress, and improve your overall comfort.

Herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint, and raspberry leaf can provide soothing relief during menstruation. Chamomile tea, in particular, has been shown to reduce menstrual pain and promote relaxation, making it an ideal choice for period-time comfort.

Food To Avoid During Periods

Now that we know what you must eat, the main thing you must know is what not to eat during periods. Knowing the things that you should avoid will help to promote overall comfort during your periods. Here’s why these foods are often best avoided during menstruation:


Eating sugary foods when you have your period can make your blood sugar levels go up and down too quickly. Experiencing alterations in your emotional state and experiencing a decrease in vitality may result from this. Sugary foods can also make your body swell more and give you worse cramps.


Caffeine, a substance that makes you pee more, can also make you lose water. When you’re on your period, it’s important to stay hydrated to reduce bloating and feel good. Drinking too much caffeine can make things worse and make you feel more uncomfortable.


Drinking alcohol can mess up the way your hormones work and make it harder for your liver to do its job, which is to break down estrogen and other hormones. If you drink alcohol while you’re on your period, it can make the ups and downs of your hormones even worse, making you feel more moody, tired, and uncomfortable.

Spicy Food

Eating spicy foods can upset your digestive system, making bloating, gas, and diarrhea worse during your period. They can also raise your body temperature and increase inflammation, which can lead to more painful cramps and discomfort.


Consuming red meat and processed meats while menstruating can exacerbate your symptoms. Meats are high in saturated fats and other compounds that can trigger inflammation in the body. This inflammation can lead to bloating, cramps, and feeling tired.

How to Get Control Over Period Cravings?

Managing period cravings can be challenging as you are already dealing with so many other symptoms, but several strategies can help to gain control over them:

  • Aim to include a variety of nutrients in each meal to keep you feeling satisfied and prevent sudden cravings.
  • Occasionally, the sensation of thirst can be confused with feelings of hunger or specific food cravings. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help keep you hydrated and may reduce the intensity of cravings. 
  • If you experience cravings between meals, opt for nutritious snacks that satisfy your cravings without derailing your healthy eating plan. Choose snacks that are high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats, such as nuts, yogurt, fruits, or vegetables with hummus.
  • Keep nutritious snacks readily available and avoid keeping trigger foods in the house to reduce temptation.
  • Practice intuitive eating by tuning into your body’s signals and eating mindfully.
  • Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night to support hormone balance and reduce cravings.
  • Practice stress-reduction techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or taking a relaxing bath to help manage stress levels and prevent cravings.

Managing your period diet is simple if you are aware of the food that can help your periods go smoothly and which can make them worsen. By including this diet in your period food and listening to your body will make you feel good and help you opt nutrient-rich body. Choosing foods that are high in vitamins, minerals and anti-inflammatory can help to balance your hormones and promote stress-free periods.

“Healthy periods are your right”, but to enjoy it is completely is in your hands. The things that we discussed are not to be followed during menses. It is a lifestyle that you have to follow before and after periods too. I know it’s hard, but you can do it. And if you still get to deal with this horrible period pain, then you can try out some natural remedies to manage period pain like heat pads, period pain reliever devices, taking medications if they are out of control, taking rest, and adequate sleep. 

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